Robert J. and Adele Dugan Proffer Math & Science Education Scholarship

The donor is using this opportunity to honor his late wife, to recognize her unfulfilled desire to complete her education degree as well as his years of service to the College of Education. Adele Dugan Proffer had a successful career as an outside insurance claims representative and was the first woman promoted to this position without a degree. Having recognized the value and benefits of higher education, she encouraged others to obtain their degrees and supported them in their educational endeavors.

Scholarship Criteria

  1. Candidates for this scholarship will be enrolled full-time at UMSL (12 credit hours each semester).
  2. Candidates will be pursuing coursework leading to teacher certification in math or science education.
  3. Recipients must be Missouri residents.
  4. Recipients must demonstrate high financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
